The Scourge of Unequal Education
I listened to an interview this morning. I sat in the car for a few minutes and again, that horrible feeling you get when you ask all the WWWH questions and get no answers swept over me. The lady on the radio was the acting principle of Beaconvale High and she was telling how she had to council students after two of their classmates were shot in apparent gang related shootings. The one, a young man who had dreams of becoming an architect, was shot and killed the day before he was to get his results. He had passed his matric and was going to chase his dream. WHY did this happen WHO did it HOW could we allow this. WHEN will it stop. I wrote a little piece last year using the beaches around our city as an illustration of the inequality around our city. Two days ago a mother who we give a lift to told us how her son did not want to go to school due to the trauma he’s experiencing as result of having to fight for a seat in an overcrowded class room at the school he attends in ...