My Life As A Freelancer
I started freelancing in twenty fourteen after been retrenched from a somewhat cushy job as a client liaison manager at a printing company. I have always been involved in photography in some way or other and decided to take the plunge and make it a business. I spent a lot of money on state of the art equipment and went about branding myself as a freelancer for hire. Here is what I have learned over the years. Get Up. Dress Up. Show Up. This is often the hardest thing to do and it often takes an act of will, a deliberate decision that has to be made. You need to remember that unless you make the effort nothing is going happen. The adage, “You get back what you put in” is very true. For me it was the whole “shower, shave and get dressed as if I was going to work” routine, even if the “office” was in the room next door. I still do it. That is exactly what you are doing. Going to work. Family Support:....... Is vital. My wife has a day job and for a long time we battled. My f...