Three Days in the life of a Failed Freelancer

September three, twenty sixteen was a special day. Yes is was my birthday. It was a Saturday and was the day a dream was fulfilled. Well kind off. Let me sketch the background. It goes way back. Big brother Michael was a photojournalist for the District Mail in Somerset West. So throughout my school career I wanted to be like my big brother. I wanted to do what he did. Write stories and take pictures. 1978 I was in standard nine or grade 11 as they call it now. Big brother was killed in motorcycle accident that year. It was devastating. Yet I carried on seeking my dream. Rhodes University would have been the place to be but finances at the time just did not allow for it. Instead I applied to the than SANS institute to study journalism. My application was unsuccessful. But that dream never died. I went and studied to become a teacher. That unfortunately, did not go according to plan either. After that plan failed I landed my first job at a photographic studio in Somerset West. J...